Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone, who has always expressed her and her spouse- actor Ranveer Singh's love for children, has once again mentioned that they are looking forward to having a child one day. The two lovebirds started dating in 2012, with a secret engagement taking place in 2015. They have been married for over five years now.
In a recent interview with a magazine, Deepika spoke about her desire to have children and the values she wants them to learn from her. She mentioned that both she and Ranveer are excited for the day when they will have their children. Reflecting on her upbringing, Deepika mentioned how her family has always kept her grounded and she hopes to instill the same values in her future children.
Although Deepika and Ranveer want children, she clarified in a previous interview with a newswire that they are not actively planning for it. Deepika expressed her frustration with societal expectations that put pressure on couples to have children after a certain period of dating or marriage. She emphasized that she and Ranveer are focused on their careers at the moment and it wouldn't be fair to have children without giving them proper attention.
On the professional front, Deepika has some exciting projects lined up. She is eagerly awaiting the release of her film Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand, in which she will be sharing the screen with Hrithik Roshan. The film is scheduled to hit the silver screens on January 25. Additionally, Deepika was also a part of two blockbuster films in 2023, namely Pathaan and Jawan.