Hyderabad: Anurag Basu, the director of the upcoming movie Metro In Dino, made an 'anda dosa' (crispy egg pancake) for actor Anupam Kher on the sets of the movie. Taking to Instagram, Anupam on Saturday shared a video of Anurag preparing the dish on a hot plate. Anupam could be seen standing next to him and watching him prepare as he spoke to the camera.
Sharing the video, Anupam wrote, "Today's Breaking News: Anurag Basu makes egg dosa for Anupam Kher on the sets of #MetroInDino See.... Learn..... Eat it... And have fun!! Anupam praised Anurag's effort in making the egg dosa after having a bite. "He gave a good role in the film and dosa in the plate was also awesome. Hahahaha! Anything can happen. Hail Anurag Babu!! 😄👍❤️ #AnuragBasu #AnupamKher."
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In the video, Anupam discussed the procedure of the dish while Anurag was preparing it. He also asked the cameraman to show his followers a glimpse of their set. Many people gathered around them to watch the duo. As Anurag continued to add the remaining ingredients, Anupam instructed him to add some oil. Anupam picked up a bottle but didn't break the seal and tried pouring oil numerous times without success. Anurag then added butter to the anda dosa.
The actor then requested everyone to applaud when Anurag served him the dosa. The duo also shook hands with each other. Anupam then made Anurag laugh by saying, "Cast me in every film of yours." Anurag replied, "In every movie, you will be served the dish prepared by me." Anupam then said, "100 percent." Anupam appreciated the dish after taking a bite.