Hyderabad: Three major movies hit the silver screens on September 28, generating head-to-head competition at the box office. The third installment of the comedy film Fukrey made its entry to the theatres on Thursday alongside Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2, and Vivek Agnihotri-helmed film The Vaccine War. Despite witnessing a three-way clash at the box office, Fukrey 3 maintained its stand and is continuing to rule even on the fifth day.
As per a report by industry tracker Sacnilk, The Vaccine War, which opened in theatres with low numbers, may gather Rs 1.73 crore nett on its fifth day at the domestic box office, according to early estimates. The Vivek Agnihotri directorial now stands at an estimated five-day total of Rs 7.47 crore nett. The flick is reported to be made on a budget of about Rs 10 crore.
Also read: Watch: Fukrey 3 Actor Varun Sharma Looks Upbeat, Greets Fans Outside Theatre Amid Cheers
On the other hand, Chandramukhi 2, which stars Kangana Ranaut and Raghava Lawrence in the lead roles, has collected a decent amount during its four-day collections. As per early estimates reported by Sacnilk, the horror-comedy is likely to bring in Rs 4.92 crore nett on the fifth day, taking its total to Rs 19.83 crore nett.
Compared to the above-mentioned movies, Fukrey 3 has been doing incredibly well at the box office since the day of its release. Early estimates by Sacnilk indicate that the comedy flick is likely to rake in Rs 16.41 crore nett on day 5, which is its highest earning so far. The film's total collections may now stand at a whopping Rs 61.06 crore nett.