Hyderabad: Actor Chunky Panday, who gained fame with the 1988 film Paap Ki Duniya, turned a year older on September 26. To mark the special day, his beloved daughter Bollywood actor Ananya Panday took to her social media handle in the early hours of Tuesday and penned down a sweet birthday wish for her father. She dropped a string of unseen throwback photos and videos of her father as she wished him on his birthday.
Taking to Instagram Story, the Dream Girl 2 actor dropped several unseen visuals to celebrate her father's big day. The first IG Story post was a selfie video of Chunky and baby Ananya having a good time as the father teaches the child to speak "baby papatii". Sharing the throwback video, Ananaya wrote, "Thanks for introducing me to the camera at such a young age. Happy birthday papatiiii. Love you." Chunky responded to her IG Story and wrote, "My baby forever. Love you."
The following visual showed Chunky hugging his little Ananya. Next up was an image of young Chunky sitting at the dining room table. This was followed by a funny image of the Housefull 4 actor wearing a blue face mask and a hairband. Another image showed Chunky posing with his wife Bhavana Panday, and their daughters Ananya Panday and Rysa Panday in a cute family moment. While the second last picture featured Chunky donning a cowboy hat, the last photo featured him and his wife in a happy moment.
On the professional front, Ananya is currently basking in the success of her latest release Dream Girl 2, co-starring Ayushmann Khurrana. She will be next seen in director Vikramaditya Motwane's untitled cybercrime thriller movie.
Also read: From posing with kids to posting childhood pics, Ananya Panday's photo dump is filled with joy