Mumbai: It's the 38th birthday of fashionista Sonam Kapoor and to mark this special day, her dad-actor Anil Kapoor shared a sweet note on social media, while her husband Anand Ahuja brought her exotic flowers. Taking to Instagram Story, Sonam shared a picture of the bouquet that her husband gave her and wrote, "Flowers from my baby boy via @anandahuja." Anil shared a string of beautiful pictures featuring his daughter on his Instagram handle. In one of the pictures, Sonam can be seen posing with her husband Anand Ahuja.
Sharing the pictures, he wrote, "A big piece of my heart is in London and I'm missing her a little extra today...Sonam, your love, generosity and sheer presence fills our hearts, and our home feels empty without it. Miss you, Anand and my favorite little man Vaayu so much! It's bittersweet to feel that the only way I can have you back here is on sets doing what you love, so now I'm just waiting for that...Here's wishing my amazing daughter a very Happy Birthday! There's so much about you I'm in awe of every day! Come back soon!!! Love you!"
As soon as the pictures were shared, the actor's fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. The birthday girl responded to the post and wrote, "Love you daddy the most." Anil's wife Sunita Kapoor reacted with heart emojis. Celebs including Kareena and many others took to their respective social media handles to shower their love on Sonam.
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Sonam and Anand tied the knot in May 2018 and welcomed their child Vayu Kapoor Ahuja in August 2022. She is currently in London with her husband and it is her first birthday after becoming a mother. Sonam has established a name for herself in the Hindi film industry with her unique choice of films and her glamorous fashion game. Speaking of her film projects, she will be next seen in Blind directed by Shome Makhija, starring Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey in prominent roles. The film's first look was recently unveiled at the Jio Studio's event. (With agency inputs)