Alappuzha: Tollywood star Allu Arjun has come forward to help a poor student of Kerala, who despite scoring 92 per cent of marks in the Plus Two examination, was unable to continue her education. Allu Arjun came to the aid of the student after Alappuzha district collector Krishna Teja made a personal request to him and explained the status of the girl. The Pushpa actor has agreed to extend a helping hand and to sponsor all the expenses for a nursing course for the student as part of the 'We for Alleppey' project.
The girl student and her family called on Krishna Teja a few days ago seeking his help for continuing her education. The Collector then got her admission into a nursing course. But the girl student was not having the financial capability to pay the course fee. Krishna Teja then contacted Allu Arjun and agreed to pay the course fee and the hostel fee for the four-year course.
In his Facebook post, Krishna Teja wrote, "A few days ago, a girl student from Alappuzha came to meet me with concern. She had scored 92 per cent marks in Plus Two, but was not having money to continue her education. Her father died due to Covid in 2021 and that was how the family suffered financial constraints. I could read the hope and confidence in the eyes of that girl and decided to help her with the 'We for Alleppey' project. She told me her wish is to become a nurse."
He further wrote, "The time for the application to the merit seats was already over and we had to ensure her a seat at least under the management quota. We contacted many colleges and finally got a seat at Kattanam St Thomas Nursing College. We wanted to find a sponsor to fund her four years of study. For that, I contacted our favourite star Allu Arjun and as soon as he heard the matter, he agreed to meet the entire expenses of studies, including the hostel fees, for four years instead of one year. I personally went and admitted the girl student."