Mumbai: After Shah Rukh Khan, Varun Dhawan is all set to collaborate with Jawan director Atlee for an upcoming action entertainer is known. For the highly anticipated film, Jubilee actor Wamiqa Gabbi is being roped in to feature alongside Varun the film which is being bankrolled by Atlee and his wife Priya Mohan's banner A For Apple Studios. Also backed by Murad Khetani's Cine1 Studios, the untitled project will be directed by Kalees, best known for the 2019 Tamil movie Kee. It is scheduled to be released on May 31, 2024.
Wamiqa is thrilled to be part of the project as she was looking for an opportunity to be part of a quintessential commercial cinema. "I am thrilled and grateful to be a part of this project. The opportunity to work alongside Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh is definitely something I'm looking forward to. I have been looking and waiting to do a full commercial Hindi project and this is just it. And I'm really excited to be working and collaborating with Murad sir and Atlee," Gabbi said in a statement.
Meanwhile, Gabbi, best known for her performances in Grahan, Mai, and Jubilee, is currently shooting for her next project in Budapest, Hungary. She will also be seen in filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj's maiden OTT series Charlie Chopra and The Mystery of Solang Valley and his film with Netflix titled Khufiya co-starring Tabu.
The details of the movie's plot have been kept under wraps. It also features National Award winner Keerthy Suresh in a pivotal role. With such a power-packed combination of directorial brilliance, a stellar cast, and a compelling storyline, #VD18 is expected to be one of the most eagerly anticipated films of the year 2024. (With agency inputs)