Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt, after the success of her recent releases Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and her Hollywood debut Heart Of Stone, has jetted off to New York with her actor-husband Ranbir Kapoor and their daughter Raha. The adorable family is having a gala time in the city as is evident from the several pictures that Alia shared online. Enjoying their time together, Alia and Ranbir also met with popular celebs and clicked pictures with them. They recently met Afghan international cricketer Rashid Khan.
On Thursday night, cricketer Rashid Khan took to his Instagram handle and dropped a picture with Ranbir and Alia. Sharing the photo, the cricketer wrote in the caption, "With Bollywood's biggest. It was lovely to meet you #RANBIR @aliaabhatt." The picture shows Rashid standing in the middle of the couple, smiling and posing for the camera. While Alia was dressed in a plain black T-shirt and pants, Ranbir opted for a loungewear set and had a cap on. Rashid sported a black hoodie paired with blue jeans.
Earlier that day, Alia treated her fans with a sneak peek into her schedule on her day off during her New York vacation with Ranbir and Raha. The Raazi actor posted a video of herself relaxing in the hotel pool in a hot pink swimsuit, channeling her "water baby" side. The video grabbed the attention of Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor who wrote, "Need this sched and this hotel in my life." Her fans also flooded the comment section with compliments.