New Delhi: BJP spokesperson Sudesh Verma said, "The NDA will win most of the seats as people are appreciating the work done by PM Modi and are voting in favour of Bharatiya Janata Party."
He further said that voters were voting in every seat in the name of PM Modi and not for the candidates. BJP candidate Smriti Irani would easily beat Congress president Rahul Gandhi in Amethi, claimed Verma and added that Rahul could do anything to win elections.
Smriti Irani has already accused the Congress president of capturing booths with the evidence.
Verma claimed that both Congress's candidate Acharya Pramod Krishnam and SP's candidate Poonam Sinha, were 'non-serious' candidates in Lucknow and BJP candidate Rajnath Singh would win with a huge margin in the district.
He said that like every phase, violence erupted in West Bengal in the fifth phase also and the BJP candidate was also being attacked. He blamed TMC for the poll violence in the state.
He also claimed that some booths were also captured. He added that TMC could not win this time as the BJP will outperform in West Bengal.
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