Punjab saw a polling percentage of 55.44 per cent till 5 pm in 13 Lok Sabha seats. More than 50 per cent turnout was registered in lone Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat, EC app stated. Maximum polling percentage was witnessed at 62.67 in Sangrur and the lowest was in Hoshiarpur at 49.11.
In the morning, there were some reports of technical glitches in EVMs at several places including Ludhiana, Samana and Moga. Punjab's Chief Electoral Officer S Karuna Raju said eight ballot units, 13 control units, and eight voter-verified paper audit trail have been replaced.
There were also reports of clashes between Congress and Akali-BJP workers in Talwandi Sabo in Bathinda and Gurdaspur. At Talwandi Sabo, Akalis alleged that shots were also fired by ruling party workers.