Amaravati (AP): A sum of Rs 116 crore in cash was seized as of Monday as part of enforcement measures in the effect for the general elections in Andhra Pradesh, a chief electoral officer of the state, Gopal Krishna Dwivedi (CEO) said here Tuesday.
As much as 101 kg of gold and 330 kg of silver totally worth Rs 33.2 crore and liquor worth over Rs 23 crore were also seized during the search, the CEO told a press conference. Besides, freebies like sarees, cricket kits, clocks and other goods worth Rs 7.28 crore were confiscated, he said.
The gross value of the seizure was over Rs 200 crore making the state one among those where such a huge amount of cash was seized, he said. A total of 28,049 election-related cases, including4,510 pertaining to violation of model code of conduct, was registered by the police and 1,957 arms licences were
The additional director general of police (law and order) Ravi Shankar Ayyanar was also present at the press conference.