New Delhi: The Delhi Police booked a Sahitya Akademi Award winner after a 32-year-old woman accused him of raping her, officials said on Sunday. The woman, a UPSC aspirant, stated in her complaint that she met the accused in 2013 and subsequently developed friendship. Based on her complaint, an FIR was registered on April 6 this year under IPC sections dealing with rape and causing hurt against the man in north Delhi, a senior police officer said. He added that the matter was being investigated and no arrest made yet.
In her complaint, she referred to an incident when he allegedly hurled abuses and beat her up following her eye surgery. "I started crying...He then forced himself upon me... I cried but he raped me and left. The next day, he came and started apologising. He also promised to marry me...," the FIR stated. The accused also allegedly contacted senior police officers in Madhya Pradesh who, in turn, threatened her, she claimed.