Anakapalli: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seized 1,169.3 kg of Cannabis worth more than 2 crores in the Anakapalle district of Andhra Pradesh, according to the press release issued by the DRI on Tuesday. Officials, acting upon a specific input from the locals that a substantial quantity of cannabis was being transported by a person, seized the truck bearing UP registration en route the National Highway (NH) - 16 from Anakapalle towards Hyderabad via Vijayawada.
"The DRI sleuths from Visakhapatnam Regional Unit proceeded in the early hours of 17 April 2022 (Sunday) and found the said truck in accident-met and abandoned condition in a trench abutting NH-16. On preliminary examination, the truck was found laden with the contraband concealed under the bales of old Empty Gunny bags. The officers crane-lifted and then shifted the truck along with its contents," said the press release.
After the truck met with a mishap at Gobbur, locals found a large quantity of white bags containing marijuana and informed the police, who in turn informed the DRI officials. A case has been registered and an investigation is underway to find the culprits.