Trivandrum: Kerala police have apprehended a man from Varkala on charges of harassing foreign tourists on Thursday. The accused has been identified as Mahesh, a native of Edava near Varkala. The incident took place on Thiruvambadi Beach Road on Monday night when the women were out for an evening walk in Varkala's Papanasam. Following a complaint, the police immediately nabbed the accused as one of the women had clicked the photo of the man.
According to the women, the motorcycle-borne accused had physically and mentally abused the women using words sexually suggestive in nature and was accompanied by a group of other men who were all in a drunken state. The foreigners were residing at a homestay in Varkala for the last four months.
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Varkala police have registered a case under various sections of IPC including 354 and also recorded the statements of the women.