Mumbai: A special court in Mumbai on Thursday extended till April 3 the NIA custody of Assistant Police Inspector (API) Sachin Vaze, the prime accused in the SUV case that pertains to the explosives-laden Scorpio with a threat note that was found abandoned near Antilia, the residence of industrialist Mukesh Ambani.
Also read: CCTV Footage of Sachin Vaze and Mansukh Hiren meet surfaces
Vaze was produced before the Special NIA Court after his NIA custody ended on Thursday and the agency secured his custody for another nine days, exactly a month after the SUV was found near Antilia on February 25.
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In his submissions before the court, Vaze urged that the NIA plea should be rejected as he was innocent and was being framed in the entire matter."I am being made a scapegoat in this whole incident. I have nothing to do with the crime," pleaded Vaze, who was arrested on March 13, four days after the probe was handed over to the NIA on March 9 following a massive political furore.
Also read: SUV case: Now mystery woman baffles investigators
The NIA followed up on March 24 by invoking stringent anti-terror provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, even as it was handed over the connected case pertaining to the death of Thane businessman Mansukh Hiran.
Also read: NIA invokes UAPA against Sachin Waze
Thane-based businessman Hiran, who was in possession of the Scorpio, was found dead under mysterious circumstances on March 5.