Mumbai: The Maharashtra government on Wednesday has directed the administration to inquire about the details regarding those officers who had gone to Israel in 2019, in the wake of the alleged Pegasus snooping in India. The move attains significance following the demand by the Congress to probe whether the reports linked to Pegasus have any connection with the state. Following the announcement of 2019 Maharashtra Assembly Election results, some of the senior officials from then administration had then toured Israel between November 15 and 25.
It is in this regard, that Chief Secretary Sitaram Kunte has now issued instructions to the administration asking them to inquire about those officers, sources said. Meanwhile, former Maharashtra CM and the current Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadnavis had made it clear that the officials back then had travelled to Israel to study agriculture and media subjects. Fadnavis also added saying that snooping allegations being made against them isn't appropriate.