Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): In the sensational conversion case of UP, a local court handed over the two accused to the ATS on remand for seven days. The order was passed by in-charge CJM Sagar Singh following an application filed by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad. After the expose of the conversion racket in Uttar Pradesh, there have been many new revelations in the investigation. The accused in their interrogation revealed having got grants from abroad as well.
The court had also clarified that remand of the accused would begin from 11:00 am on Wednesday till the morning of June 30. In the application filed by the investigating officer, the involvement of other criminals and organizations are being suspected in the case. According to police, the accused reportedly converted many people, including children. One of them - himself a convert - is a resident of Batala house in Jamia Nagar.
Read: Two arrested in UP over religious conversions
Police officer Prashant Kumar on Monday said the conversions took place within Uttar Pradesh. He said those who converted were from economically disadvantaged groups, the unemployed and children were lured with the offer of financial help. Kumar also said the conversions were run from Noida, Kanpur and Mathura and were funded from abroad. He added that an investigation was underway to know more about such activities.