Kolkata: Bharatiya Janata Party candidate for Bhabanipur by-poll, Priyanka Tibriwal filed her nomination on Monday. Tibrewal, who is taking on West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, said that it is a fight against injustice. "I would like to tell the people of Bhabanipur that they have got a good opportunity. So, they should come forward in this fight against injustice and make history," she stated earlier in the day.
Bhabanipur by-polls will primarily be a contest between Tibrewal and Banerjee as Congress announced that the party will not be fielding any candidate. By-polls will be held on September 30 and results will be declared by October 3.
Also Read: West Bengal: BJP's Priyanka Tibrewal to file nomination for Bhabanipur bypolls tomorrow