New Delhi: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said on Friday that as per the experts, it will be difficult to have a legislation on Minimum Support Price (MSP) because the government doesn't have so much of demand and all the pressure for purchase will fall onto government.
He said that in Haryana already 12 to 13 crops were purchased on MSP and this time around even spoiled Bajra was purchased at Rs 600 per quintal which would not be possible if parameters would be considered.
The Chief Minister said this while addressing the media in Delhi after his meeting with Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, which lasted for almost 1 and half hours. It was the first time after the announcement of withdrawal of farm laws, that Chief Minister had met the Prime Minister.
Khattar said that PM Modi enquired about farmers' protests and said that now they should leave the Delhi borders. CM assured the PM that after the laws are withdrawn in the Parliament they are positive about farmers returning back homes.
Talking about opposition's allegations on HPSC recruitment scam, Khattar said that if they have some concrete evidence they should hand it over to the vigilance or the court but there is no point of aiming in the dark.
Apart from farmers' issue, both held discussions on newly-established Badhasa AIIMS, Auto Appeal system, pollution, stubble burning and other issues.
The Chief Minister also invited PM for Geeta Jayanti that will be celebrated from 8 to 14 December.
Also read: Priyanka Gandhi hails 'victory of farmers' on protest anniversary