New Delhi: In the run-up to the Uttarakhand state elections, the screening committee chairman Avinash Pandey held a meeting with Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi, on Friday, to submit a report on the preparations for the polls.
This comes after the Congress screening committee for Uttarakhand pondered over the names which the party is planning to field in the crucial polls, on Wednesday.
Regarding ticket distribution, Pandey has made it clear that active youth and women will be given a chance. The committee has also taken reports from observers of the Congress.
While speaking to media, the Congress leader said, "Today, I have discussed about the outline being prepared in the screening committee and took Congress President's suggestions over it.
He said Congress is very confident about the election prospects and already started the selection process for the winnable candidates. "Soon we will get reports from observers, survey reports, recommendations by PCC and date for the meeting of Election Committee. So, Sonia Gandhi is very happy about our work," Avinash Pandey said.
When asked if Uttarakhand will also implement 40 percent reservation for women candidates, he replied, "This will depend upon the recommendations given by PCC. But we would like to prefer young and women candidates if PCC comes up with such names.
He also expressed confidence over party's win in upcoming polls, saying, "People have made up their minds for a change. BJP's performance has remained very poor in the state. No poll promises were fulfilled. People are comparing the tenure of Congress' Government in a positive manner. So we are hopeful that we will get another chance in the state."