New Delhi/Ghaziabad: Take a stroll in the officers' lane in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, one will be surprised to see names of the officers' daughters adorning their nameplates on the doors. In order to sensitize people about birthing and raising girl children, the Ghaziabad district administration has launched a novel initiative wherein bureaucrats, including IAS officers, have been handed house nameplates embossed with their daughters' names.
The initiative 'Beti Ka Naam, Ghar Ki Shan' was launched by District Magistrate Rakesh Kumar Singh and Chief Development Officer Asmita Lal and is based on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious plan 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao'. Under the initiative, not only bureaucrats but also other government employees, journalists and even the general public will sport nameplates on their houses with their daughters' names inscribed on them. For now, the district administration has handed such nameplates to about 25 people, mainly officials.
Chief Development Officer Asmita Lal said that under the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' scheme, various programs have been organized in Ghaziabad in the past years. Also, this new initiative has been launched to create sensitivity towards daughters in society. In the initial phase, around two dozen people have been given the nameplates. In future, more people will be encouraged to join the program. Municipal commissioner Mahendra Singh Tanwar, IAS and SDM Khalid Anjum will nbe among the officers who will sport such nameplates at their residences.
Read: 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' programme in J-K on National Girl Child Day
Avni Sirohi, a resident of Ghaziabad said," I am very happy to receive the nameplate from the district administration as the house will be known by my name. Daughters are no less than sons. Women have been playing important roles in all fields, including the Air Force. This initiative of the district administration will definitely encourage all daughters." Avni's father Deepak Sirohi, too, lauded the administration for the initiative.
Sanjeev Verma, a local, said 'Beti Ka Naam, Ghar Ki Shan' will send a good message to the society and will, in all likelihood, usher in a change. He said was hopeful that the discrimination between daughters and sons in society will end. Verma's daughter Anushka, too, expressed her happiness.