Chennai: A first-year medical student Udit Surya and his father Dr KS Venkatesh were arrested by Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) here on Thursday on charges of alleged impersonation in National Eligibility Entrance Examination (NEET).
The case came to light after the administration of Theni Medical College conducted an internal verification of documents of first-year students based on a tip-off about the fraud.
Preliminary police enquiry revealed that the photos of the student on the college application and the NEET 2019 scorecard did not match with the appearance of the student attending the classes.
The police nabbed Udit Surya and his parents from a hotel in Tirupati on Wednesday and sent to judicial custody for 15 days by a court here
Meanwhile, Surya's father who is working in Stanley Hospital as a doctor also been suspended by Health Secretary Bila Rajesh over this issue.
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