Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): BJP MP Pragya Thakur has landed in controversy yet again, but this time it's not for a statement. According to sources, the Lok Sabha MP had attended an event at Saket Nagar in Bhopal, wherein she saw some players practising basketball on the ground. She then showcased her dribbling skills and even went on to net the ball perfectly.
Following the incident, the Madhya Pradesh Congress spokesperson Narendra Saluja took a dig at Sadhvi Pragya and tweeted, "Saw the BJP MP of Bhopal Sadhvi Thakur on a wheelchair till now but today it was a great pleasure to see her trying her hand at basketball in a stadium in Bhopal. So far, it was known that due to some injury she could not stand and walk properly…? May God keep her healthy always."
Read: Pragya Thakur exempted from court appearance
Earlier this year in January, a special NIA court in Mumbai had granted exemption from regular appearance to BJP MP Pragya Singh Thakur in the 2008 Malegaon blast case on health and security grounds. She is one of the seven accused in the case which is being probed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).