Bengaluru (Karnataka): The victim in the sleaze CD case involving former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi, in a letter to the Chief Justice of Karnataka High court, has requested SIT to investigate the case under the supervision of the High Court.
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In the three-page letter, dated March 28, the woman said that her parents were coerced to give statements as the former minister Ramesh Jarkiholi is an influential person. She added that her family and her life is in danger and appealed that she be granted protection.
The evidence in the case has been destroyed and Ramesh Jarkiholi can influence the government and the SIT as per his whims and fancies. The court must grant proper security and the SIT investigation should be conducted under the supervision of the High Court, the woman requested the court.
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The young woman also alleged that on behalf of Jarkiholi, the DYSP Kattimani threatened her parents and pressured them to make false statements. Meanwhile, the Chief Justice on having read the woman's letter which was sent through e-mail instructed the court registrar to take appropriate legal action.
Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai declined to comment on the letter written by the woman to the High Court Chief Justice.
Also read: Sleaze CD case: Jarakiholi Vs DK Shivakumar explained
"SIT investigation is heading in the right direction. The truth will come out after the investigation. Everything will be done according to law," Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai said.