Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Belagavi police have finally filed an FIR against six people for having allegedly violated Covid guidelines at a rally chaired by Union Home Minister Amit Shah on January 17. The development comes after the Karnataka High Court had lambasted the city Police Commissioner for failing to register FIRs against the violators. The Belagavi Police Commissioner on Friday had filed an affidavit to the High Court saying that an FIR has been lodged on June 14 against six people who had organized the rally. It is after a span of five months later, that an FIR had been filed.
A division bench of Chief Justice Abhay Oka and Justice Suraj Govindaraj found it surprising that only six persons were named in the FIR. "On what basis the Commissioner has made a statement that only six persons were there at the rally who were not wearing masks?. In the rally of thousands, he is bold to say only six persons were not wearing masks. Can anyone believe this?", the Chief Justice asked. Replying to the same, Advocate General Prabhuling K Navadgi told the court that an FIR was lodged against the organizers on June 14 following the court's orders.
Read: Amit Shah addresses BJP members at party's convention in Karnataka's Belagavi
The AG assured that after the investigation, action would be taken against the violators. However, the division bench adjourned the hearing, suggesting that an investigation report be submitted on the whole issue. "We direct the officer-in-charge of APMC yard police station at Belgavi city to file in a sealed envelope investigation report carried out. The report is to be filed by July 19," the Court observed.
At the rally held on January 17 and attended by Amit Shah, scores of people were seen without masks and maintaining social distance. The rally was held in the run up to the Lok Sabha by-election to Belagavi seat.