New Delhi: Infosys on Thursday posted a 13.4 per cent year-on-year increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 6,586 crore for the December quarter and the IT major raised its full-year revenue guidance to 16-16.5 per cent. The net profit (after minority interest) stood at Rs 5,809 crore in the third quarter of FY22.
The Bengaluru-based IT firm logged a 20 per cent year-on-year increase in consolidated revenue in the third quarter of the current fiscal at Rs 38,318 crore. It also raised full-year revenue guidance to 16-16.5 per cent against the previously projected band of 15-16 per cent. The results beat street estimates on both profit and revenue.
"Year-on-year growth was in double digits for most business segments and geographical regions in constant currency terms," Infosys said in a statement. Infosys CEO and MD Salil Parekh said the company continues to gain market share as a trusted transformation and operational partner for clients, as reflected in the large deal's momentum.
"Our revenue growth was strong in the quarter, with both digital business and core services growing. This is a clear reflection of our deep client relevance, industry-leading digital, cloud, and automation capabilities, and the unrelenting dedication of our employees," he said. (PTI)