New Delhi: Apple CEO Tim Cook opened the gates to India's first flagship Apple store at Mumbai's Bandra Kurla Complex on Tuesday. Dozens lined up outside for the grand opening. The design of the store that is located in India's financial capital, Mumbai is inspired by the iconic black-and-yellow cabs unique to the city. On Thursday another store will open in the national capital.
The opening of the store reflects the company's aspirations to expand in the country. Apple CEO Tim Cook who is in Mumbai said, "India has such a beautiful culture and an incredible energy, and we're excited to build on our long-standing history." Apple has been operating in India for more than 25 years. So far it has been selling its product through authorized retailers and the website that was launched a few years ago. The plan to open a store was delayed owing to some regulatory hurdles and the pandemic.
Also read: Why do most celebrities use Apple iPhones?
The tech giant has gained some ground in India's smartphone market between 2020 and 2022. However, the hefty price tag makes the iPhone out of reach for most Indians. iPhone sales in India have thrived only among the sliver of upper-middle-class and rich Indians with disposable incomes.
Earlier in September, Apple announced that it would start manufacturing iPhone 14 in India. This will give a boost to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's local manufacturing boost that he has been propagating since 2014. Apple first began manufacturing from India in 2017 with its iPhone SE. It has also started assembling a number of iPhone models from the country.