New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs issued fresh guidelines on Wednesday for enforcing the second phase of the coronavirus lockdown. The ministry barred all kinds of public transport and prohibited opening of public places during this period.
Here is the list of business and economic activities that are allowed to operate from April 20 in non-containment zones:
- All agricultural and horticultural activities to remain fully functional that includes farming, fisheries, plantations and animal husbandry
- Reserve Bank of India and RBI regulated financial markets
- Bank branches allowed to function as per normal working hours till disbursal of DBT cash transfers is complete
- Capital, debt market services and insurance companies
- MNREGA works are allowed with priority to water conservation and irrigation works
- Sale and distribution of petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, etc
- Operation of utilities providing telecommunications and internet services
- All goods traffic will be allowed to ply, which is applicable to railways, air ports, land ports and movement of trucks
- Shops, including kirana and single shops selling essential goods like fruits, vegetables, etc should be allowed to operate without any restriction on their timing of operation and closure
- IT & IT enabled services with up to 50% strength
- E-commerce companies
- Courier services
- Cold storage and warehousing services
- Private security services
- Services provided by self-employed persons, e.g. electrician, IT repairs, plumbers, motor mechanics and carpenters
- Hotels, homestays, lodges and motels, which are accommodating tourists and persons stranded due to lockdown, medical and emergency staff, air and sea crew.
- Industries operating in rural areas i.e. outside the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities allowed
- Manufacturing and other industrial establishments with access control in SEZs, Export Oriented Units, industrial estates and industrial townships allowed
- Food processing industries in rural areas
- Mining operations
- Manufacturing units of packaging material
- Brick kilns in rural areas
- Construction of roads, irrigation projects, buildings, MSMEs, etc in rural areas is allowed
- All kinds of projects in industrial estates allowed
- Continuation of works in construction projects, within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities, where workers are available on site and no workers are required to be brought in from outside (in situ construction).
Activities which will continue to remain prohibited across the country until 3rd May 2020
- All domestic and international air travel of passengers, except for movement of all medical and veterinary personnel, scientists, nurses, para-medical staff, lab technicians, mid-wives and other hospital support services and for security purposes
- All passenger movement by trains, except for security purposes
- Buses for public transport
- Metro rail services
- Inter-district and inter-State movement of individuals except for medical reasons or for activities permitted under these guidelines
- All educational, training , coaching institutions etc. shall remain closed
- All industrial and commercial activities other than those specifically permitted under these guidelines.
- Hospitality services other than those specifically permitted under these guidelines.
- Taxis (including auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws) and services of cab aggregators.
- All cinema halls, malls, shopping complexes, gymnasiums, sports complexes, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places.
What are Hotspots & Containment Zones?
Hotspots are the areas of large COVID-19 outbreaks, or clusters with significant spread of COVID-19. It will be determined as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). In these hotspots, containment zones will be demarcated by States/ UTs/ District administrations as per the guidelines of MoHFW.
Read more:Air India cargo flight carries vegetables, fruits to London
In these containment zones, the activities allowed under these guidelines will not be permitted. There shall be strict perimeter control in the area of the containment zones to ensure that there is no unchecked inward/ outward movement of population from these zones except for maintaining essential services.