Hyderabad: Various reports provide evidence that the consumption of pulses is decreasing in India since 2018.
Since 2019, February 10 is considered as World Pulses Day. This year’s theme for World Pulse Day is: “Nutritious Seeds for a Sustainable Future.” Pulses are highly nutritious elements of the human diet. However, not everybody eats pulses. Many are ignorant of the health benefits of pulses.
Looking at this scenario, the United Nations decided in 2018 to dedicate a day to spreading awareness about the benefits, value, and worth of pulses.
So, with the collaboration of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the UN designated February 10th of every year to be celebrated as International Day of Pulses.
On February 10, 2019, the world celebrated the first World Pulses Day. The day holds greater significance to India because the recent reports suggest that pulse consumption in India is decreasing.
Facts about this resilient super food Pulses:
- The word pulse originates directly from the Latin puls meaning "thick gruel, porridge, mush.”
- Humans have relied on pulses for centuries. Archaeological remains found in modern day Turkey indicate that farmers grew chickpeas and lentils as far back as 7000 - 8000 B.C.
- The most widely cultivated pulses in Africa include common beans, pigeon pea, cowpea, groundnuts, chickpea and soybean.
- It takes just 43 gallons of water to produce one pound of pulses, compared with 216 for soybeans and 368 for peanuts.
- As nitrogen-fixing crops, pulses actually enrich soils rather than deplete them of nutrients during the growing process.
- Pulses help to improve food security because as dried seeds, they can be stored for a long period of time without a decrease in nutrition.
- Pulses are drought-tolerant and hardy under frost conditions, making them suitable to a wide range of environments.
- Pulses are good sources of protein, fiber, and folate as well as calcium, iron, lysine, and vitamin C.
- Pulses contribute about 10 percent of protein intake and 5 percent of energy intake in low-income countries.
Pulse Consumption in India is Decreasing?
- A 2017-18 survey report done by National Statistical Office (NSO) on domestic consumption expenditure on pulses in India reveals a slowing downward graph of consumption of pulses.
- The consumption had increased between years 2013-14 and 2017-18 from 18.6 million tonnes to 22.5 million tonnes.
- However, in 2018-19, the consumption of pulses decreased to 22.1 million tonnes.
- Then, in 2020, the consumption further decreased to 20.7 million tonnes.
- This signifies a gradual decrease in the overall consumption of pulses among Indians.
What are pulses?
Pulses, also known as legumes, are the edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for food. Dried beans, lentils and peas are the most commonly known and consumed types of pulses. Staples dishes and cuisines from across the world feature pulses, from hummus in the Mediterranean (chick peas), to a traditional full English breakfast (baked navy beans) to Indian dal (peas or lentils).
Pulses do not include crops that are harvested green (e.g. green peas, green beans)—these are classified as vegetable crops. Also excluded are those crops used mainly for oil extraction (e.g. soybean and groundnuts) and leguminous crops that are used exclusively for sowing purposes (e.g. seeds of clover and alfalfa).
Overall Nutritional Benefits of Dal
- Dals are excellent source of protein for vegetarians. They build muscle, help to lose extra weight, and keeps your metabolism healthy.
- They contain fiber that lowers cholesterol, supports hearth health, and regulates blood sugar.
- The fiber, present in skinned dals, help in digestion and bowel movements and boosts GI functioning.
- Dals keep you fuller for longer. This is an important feature that aids in weight loss, as it eliminates cravings between meals.
- Dals are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin B complex, zinc, magnesium, and potassium.
- Eating dal daily can help to combat nutritional deficiencies. You must include a variety of dals in your diet. This not only adds an element of interest in your platter, but also gives you a range of nutrients.
Consumption: Over 60 percent of pulses are utilised for human consumption, with the role in human diets varying between countries. Generally, a higher consumption is observed in lower income nations. Certain pulses, especially dry peas, are also used as feedstuff. About a quarter of pulses produced are used for feeding of pigs and poultry.