New Delhi: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Monday, said that the CBSE 10th and 12th examinations were conducted successfully this year, with over 21 lakh students appearing for the exams at 5000 centres across the nation.
"There were 213 question papers with no leakage or loopholes which indicates the improvement in the conduct of the examinations," he said.
Elucidating on the measures taken for smooth conduct of the examinations, Javadekar further said that the entrance gates were strictly guarded, exam invigilators were appointed in every centre, double encrypted question papers were used and the movement of the question papers was monitored continuously.
He also added that this year, the National Testing Agency also conducted computer-based entrance exams like JEE, UGC NET, CMAT etc., successfully which is a big achievement.
In this context, more than 15 lakh students appeared for the entrance exams at 1000 exam centres which were all under CCTV surveillance.
HRD Minister also informed that in the previous year one question paper got leaked and action was taken against those responsible and the investigation is still going on in the court.
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