Kota: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Saturday arrested the director and the principal of a private college in Jhalawar district for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from a student to relax her attendance requirement and pass her in practical exams, an ACB official said.
Vardhaman Teachers Training College's director Sanjay Jain, 50, and its acting principal Savita Pathak, 35, had demanded Rs 30,000 as bribe from Harshini Rathore, who is pursuing B.Ed from the college in Pidawa town, said Jhalawar ASP Bhawani Shankar Meena.
The bribe amount was agreed for Rs 25,000 after negotiations, he added.
Rathore had filed a complaint on May 13. The official said the accused were arrested accepting Rs 10,000 from the student, he said.
The accused will be produced before ACB court in Kota on Sunday, he added.
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