New Delhi: A 24-year-old man was stabbed to death by unknown assailants while resisting a robbery bid at Keshav Chowk in Shahdara area in north-east Delhi late Thursday night, the deceased's family said. According to his family, Bharat Bajaj from Shanti Mohalla under Gandhinagar police station of Shahdara district, who worked at a local cloth shop, had gone for a walk, along with his friends Prince and Rahul, at around 10 pm on Thursday.
At 11.30 pm, the three reached Keshav Chowk in Shahdara when three miscreants surrounded them and started looting them at knifepoint, Bharat's family said. The family further stated that Prince managed to escape from there while Rahul gave his money to the miscreants out of fear but Bharat resisted after which one of them stabbed him three to four times in the stomach with a knife and fled with the money. Passers-by took him to a hospital where doctors declared him brought dead, the family said. Police started the investigation and sent the body for post-mortem.