New Delhi: A youth was stabbed to death on Monday in the Tilak Nagar area of Delhi after which police have arrested five accused in the case. The youth identified as Ranjit Singh from the Raghuveer Nagar TC Camp area was stabbed by some boys on the night of the 11th of April over an argument, which turned ugly and led to his murder, DCP Ghanshyam Bansal said.
The young man lay on the ground for a long time wreathing in pain. Crowds of people kept watching him and kept making videos on mobile, but no one helped. After a long time, the police came and took him to the hospital. By then he had died. A video of the incident is also going viral in which the insensitivity of the onlookers has come to the fore.
In the video, Singh is seen lying on the ground wreathing in pain with blood oozing from his body. A large number of people are present around, but everyone is busy watching him and making videos. No one is able to muster the courage to take him to the hospital. It is being said that had Singh been taken to the hospital on time, his life might have been saved. The real reason for the murder is not known.