Lucknow: Amid the ongoing Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party (SBSP) chief Om Prakash Rajbhar on Tuesday made shocking allegations against Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while conducting a press conference in the state capital Lucknow.
Rajbhar alleged that he was attacked during the filing of the nomination of his son and party candidate Arvind Rajbhar from Varanasi's Shivpur constituency on Monday and added that Yogi Adityanath wanted to get him 'killed'.
"Yogi Ji wants to get me killed. Goons of BJP and Yogi were sent there in black coats," he said demanding security for him and his son from the Election Commission. Rajbhar alleged that as soon as he came out after filing the nomination, four people held him with his collar and started abusing him. "We were subjected to indecency while they were raising slogans of 'Jai Shri Ram'. One of the men was shouting 'shoot him whatever will happen, we will see it'," he alleged.
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