Simdega (Jharkhand): An Anganwadi worker in Jharkhand's Simdega lost her life after she was bitten by a snake on Thursday, as her family members took her to an exorcist instead of a doctor. The deceased has been identified as Priyanka Lugun of Rajabasa village in the Typaitangar police station area of the district.
According to the information, Priyanka was sleeping on a bed at her house on Wednesday night when a snake bit her. As the family members got to know about it they took her to an exorcist for treatment, but there was no improvement in her health. Later, they rushed her to a hospital but she died.
From time to time the district administration keeps doing awareness campaigns in the district so that people don't get into the traps of quacks or exorcists but still people make mistakes and lose their lives. However, this is not the first incident of snakebite death in Simdega as the district reports numerous snake bite cases and deaths. The region has an abundance of snakes, as per the mythology, Simdega was also known as "Sarpalok" or "Nagalok".