New Delhi: A woman whose throat was slit by a man on Monday is battling for life at Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital (GTB) in East Delhi's Dilshad Garden area. Police have identified the accused with the help of CCTV footage and a manhunt has been launched to nab him. It is learned that the incident took place late Monday morning when the woman identified as Shivani from Nand Nagri was found by visitors in a pool of blood with her throat slit on the staircase of the hospital.
She also had cuts on her hand, eyewitnesses said. The woman was admitted by the hospital staff with her condition said to be critical. Meanwhile, police officials who also rushed to the spot along with a forensic team has registered a case of attempt to murder.
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Officials said that the assault took place in the Sugar block where there is a lesser rush of people due to which no one could get a clue when the incident happened and the accused also escaped comfortably. Several teams of police launched raids in Loni and Ghaziabad to nab the accused. Initial investigation revealed that it might be a case of a spurned lover. The police have launched a massive manhunt to nab the culprit.