Ranchi: The security forces and police involved in the anti-Naxal operation had arrested eight members of the People’s Liberation Front of India (PLFI), including a woman named Anjali aka Lily aka Kanis Fatima. The woman has been staying in Delhi for the past 7 years with an Indian identity and was going by the name Anjali.
During interrogation, Fatima revealed that she first changed her name as she reached India and then got indulged in a sex racket under different areas of Delhi. In Delhi, she came in contact with Nivesh Kumar a member of PLFI, who use to visit the city regularly to turn black money into white money.
When the police investigated the mobile phone of mastermind Nivesh Kumar, he found some very shocking pictures, which has come to the fore about the international connection of PLFI. Weapons are being supplied to the banned PLFI organisation not only from China but also from Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Apart from this, pictures of weapons have also been found in WhatsApp, which makes it clear that the investment used to deal in foreign arms and give them to PLFI supremo Dinesh Gop. Dinesh Gop’s levy money was used for the purchase of weapons.
At the same time, from the arrested Naxalites, the police seized expensive vehicles like BMW car, modified Thar Jeep, MG Hector, XUV500, 31 mobile phones, a smartwatch, pen drive, 11 SIM cards of different companies, cartridges, a pistol and other items have been recovered.