Amravati (Andhra Pradesh): A young woman working at the Gannavaram airport in Krishna district was harassed on Friday night after she was returning home from her night duty. Meanwhile, a man stopped her bike and started harassing her. In her defence, she picked up a stick and started beating the harasser in front of Gannavaram International Airport on the Chennai-Kolkata National Highway. Andhra Pradesh Chairperson of the Women's Commission Vasireddy Padma lauded her courage in response to the situation and said, “Hats off to a young woman working at the Gannavaram airport for her bravery in smashing a harassing assailant with a stick while crossing her bike on her way home at night.”
Borugadda Anil Kumar, president of the Republican Party Working Committee, who was on his way to the same road noticed this and caught the harassing youth and informed the police. The police then reached there and arrested the accused. The video has been widely circulated on social media as the netizens are lauding her courage for standing up against her harasser. The video was shot by a passerby and with the release of this video, it has become a sensation in the wake of the rising number of rape cases in the state.
Also Read: Two arrested after suspected rape, murder of Guntur woman