Mumbai: A woman traveling in the Chennai Express from Telangana to Mumbai was saved from a great loss after her bag carrying jewelry worth Rs 17 lakhs was lost and found by the Mumbai Police. A 48-year-old woman, named Nagamma Shivlingi, had reportedly boarded a train from the Krishna Railway Station in Telangana to travel to Mumbai with her family on Thursday.
The woman finished her entire journey with all her luggage kept under her railway seat. However, when she got down at the Mumbai railway station after reaching the destination and counting the bags, she realized that one of the bags was missing. Unfortunately, her train had already left by the time she realized her bag is missing. Taking a quick decision, she decided to board a local train that would take her to the CST station, where the train would be halting for its next stop.
Though she reached the station on time, she could not find the bag where she had kept it, which confirmed that the bag had actually been stolen by someone during her and her family's absence. The family immediately reported the matter to the police officials at the CST railway station. Police Constable Ishwar Jadhav, who was deployed as an officer at the CST mainline railway police station, realized that the train in concern is sent for washing and cleaning at the Mazgaon Yard. Reaching there immediately, he entered the train through the emergency window and started searching for the bag.
After a thorough search, he found the bag lying in a corner. The bag was given back to the woman and her jewelry worth Rs 17 lakhs was safely returned back to her. The bag comprised of 5 gold necklaces, 3, 7 gold bracelets, 5 gold rings, 6 pairs of gold earrings weighing a total of 326 grams, and gold jewelry worth Rs 16 lakh 85 thousand.
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