Bengaluru: An 18-year-old girl died on the spot and her friend's arm was ripped off after their speeding bike hit a divider near Jakkur flyover in the Yelahanka Traffic Police station area of Karnataka's Bengaluru on Tuesday. The deceased has been identified as Sana Sahiba (18). Her friend, Jishan has been admitted to a private hospital with severe injuries to his right hand.
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Both were residents of RT Nagar and were studying in the same college. On the occasion of Jishan's birthday, the two travelled to Devanahalli on the bike. Near Jakkur the speeding motorcycle lost control and hit the divider.
An official of Yelahanka Traffic Police said, "The young woman died on the spot due to head injuries in the accident, while Jishan suffered serious injuries and is undergoing treatment at the hospital."