Bhopal: BJP MP Pragya Thakur on Tuesday courted fresh controversy with her remarks against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. The Bhopal MP said that if the Enforcement Directorate interrogated Rahul in the same way she was interrogated by Central agencies during the UPA rule, he would have "remembered his ancestors".
Also read: Pragya Thakur claims she received death threat on phone
Thakur was referring to ED's interrogation of Rahul Gandhi. The former Congress chief has been interrogated by the Central agency several times in relation to the National Herald case. "The way I was harassed, tortured, hit with belts, and thrown around during interrogation, if Rahul Gandhi was hit with a belt a few times, then he would have remembered his ancestors," said Thakur while addressing a rally.
Taking pot shots at the Congress' agitation against the ED's interrogation of Rahul, the BJP MP said that Rahul being summoned by ED "shows that he and his family are involved in the scam".