Jhansi: Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and former Union Minister Uma Bharti on Thursday meddled in the controversy surrounding opposition parties' demand for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement in the Parliament on the viral video, which showed two women being paraded naked in Manipur, saying PM's remark won't restore the 'honour' of those women.
Bharti, who reached Jhansi on Wednesday, expressed her views during an interaction with the media. She said all parties should take responsibility for the Manipur-like incident so that it does not recur. "The PM's statement will not bring back the honour of the women who were humiliated in Manipur," she said.
Earlier, she met local BJP leaders, and workers and discussed the preparation of the party for the assembly and Lok Sabha elections to be held in MP. She also answered questions from reporters, who raised the issue of the opposition's ruckus on Manipur and Haryana in Parliament. On not allowing the Parliament session to run in Manipur, she said," The opposition is demanding the statement of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament. The Prime Minister has already given his statement soon after the Manipur incident occurred. These people are uttering meaningless sentences. Will the Prime Minister's statement bring back the respect of women?"Bharti questioned.
She further said all the parties should take guard in their respective states so that such incidents do not recur. Speaking on nuisance with women in Mewat in Haryana, she said there is law to do with the matter. "At the same time, the media should try so that riots do not progress further. The government should also try that no criminal should be spared," she said. On implementing the Yogi model in Haryana, she said it is for the CM of Haryana to decide.