New Delhi: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday said his state will learn from Delhi's model of mohalla clinics that has won the national capital praise from the entire world. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal showed a mohalla clinic and government schools to Mann, who is on a two-day visit to the national capital to learn about the best practices of the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) model of governance. At the mohalla clinic, Mann interacted with the patients, who told him that it takes them just 10 minutes to meet the doctor and get medicines.
"The mohalla clinics in Delhi have been praised by the entire world. We too will learn from this model for the betterment of Punjab," Mann said. Punjab Health Minister Vijay Singla and senior officials are accompanying Mann on the Delhi visit. Kejriwal said 95 percent of the patients visiting Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics in Delhi are satisfied with the services provided there. "Anybody, be it from any state, can come and get free treatment at these health facilities," he said.
"We have opened two mohalla clinics in Delhi's most posh area, Greater Kailash, and a lot of well-off patients also come to these centres. They say they do not get such care anywhere else," Kejriwal told Mann. Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said all major tests are conducted at mohalla clinics free of cost and the reports are uploaded online the next day. At a government school in Chirag Enclave, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia told Mann that after coming to power in Delhi, the AAP had called a meeting of school principals and sought their suggestions to strengthen the education system in the city.
Kejriwal told the Punjab officials that the principals of government schools were sent for training abroad and the teachers were trained at Indian Institutes of Management. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin had also visited mohalla clinics and government schools in Delhi earlier this month. He had said that his government would create a model school in the southern state on the lines of Delhi and invited Kejriwal to visit it.