Amreli (Gujarat): A pack of 4-5 cubs and lions were spotted roaming the industrial units located in Rajula's Kovaya on Saturday. A video of the canines roaming the premises of a private cement company has taken social media by the storm. It is speculated that the cubs roamed out of the forests to hunt for food. Failing to find any prey, they went back to the woods to search for the prey, the sources informed.
In the video, the cats can be seen searching for a prey as they roam about in the area for some time. A local has shot the video on their phone as they seemingly tried to escape the sight of the predators. After taking a full round of the cement factory parking premises, and failing at finding any food for themselves, the canines can be seen returning to where they came from.
Now known as the Brihat Gir, the Rajula Panthak in the Amreli district, has reported several such incidents where the wild canines have encroached in the industrial units located in the vicinity of the forests. The administration in the area have reported an increase in such incidents in the past few years.
Also read: Watch: Lion spotted in Jharkhand, sneaks into a residential area
The locals in the area have in the past raised concerns over the area becoming the new hideout for lions and other wild canines in the area. After the said video, several locals and employees in the area have expressed severe concerns over the threats to the lives of the employees working in the nearby areas -- especially the ones who work late at night.
Several other villages in the Rajula taluka have also been facing the same problems over the past few months, sources said. The Rampur village, Rajula Panthak's cement factory are some locations in the area where the lions have been spotted in the past.