New Delhi: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday greeted people on the eve of Diwali, saying the festival is a reminder that there is a need to constantly quell demonic forces and foster goodness and harmony in society.
In his message, he said Deepawali signifies the victory of good over evil and reaffirms our belief in the noble ideals and morals of Lord Ram''s life.
"The festival reminds us that we need to constantly quell the demonic forces and foster goodness and harmony in our society," he said.
The festival is always an occasion for family and friends to come together and celebrate.
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But this year, given the unprecedented health emergency due to COVID-19, Naidu urged people to celebrate Deepawali by adhering to health and hygiene protocols.
"May this festival dispel the darkness of ignorance and kindle the light of knowledge and enlightenment. May it bring peace, harmony, prosperity and happiness in our lives," he said.