New Delhi: Vice Admiral Sanjay Mahindru assumed charge as Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff on Thursday. An official release said on Friday that Vice Admiral Sanjay Mahindru is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla. He was commissioned into the Indian Navy on January 1, 1985, and is a submarine and navigation Specialist.
In his career spanning over 37 years, he has held a variety of Command and Staff appointments both ashore and afloat. On promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral in 2015, he tenanted the appointments of Flag Officer Submarines and Flag Officer Maharashtra Area and Chief Staff Officer at HQSFC. The release said that on elevation to the rank of Vice-Admiral in 2019, he held the challenging and coveted appointment of Deputy C-in-C of the Strategic Forces Command.
He has attended the Joint Services Staff College, UK, and the College of Naval Warfare Mumbai. He has a MA (Defence Studies) from Kings College, London and M Phil (Defence Studies) from Mumbai University. Vice Admiral Mahindru has succeeded Vice Admiral Ravneet Singh, who retired after more than 38 years of illustrious service on March 31.