Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Tuesday obtained approval from the administrative department of the state government to prosecute former forest minister Sadhu Singh Dharamsot in a competent court. The former minister was arrested by the Vigilance Bureau in June this year on charges of being involved in organized corruption in the department related to the issuance of permits for cutting of khair trees, transfer of officials, procurement and issuance of NOCs.
Also read: Punjab forest scam: Bail glitch delays release of ex minister Dharamsot
Sharing details, a spokesperson of the VB said a corruption case under FIR No. 7 dated 06-06-2022 under section 7, 7-A 13 (A)(1) (2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, and 120-B of IPC was registered at the VB police station flying squad, SAS Nagar. The case was registered against the former forest minister, contractors and officials of the forest department for indulging in corrupt activities.