Kolkata: Describing the arrested vaccine scam accused Debanjan Deb as "more dreadful than a terrorist", West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said that she has asked the police to take the strictest action against him. Banerjee said that the Trinamool Congress government has no role in organising the fake Covid vaccination drive and rejected the BJP''s demand for a CBI probe on the matter. Deb, who impersonated as a joint commissioner of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) to set up camps where people were administered fake Covid-19 vaccines, was arrested last week.
"The state government has no role in it. People have to understand it. Several people who look, decent cheat people. I do not consider them as human. They forge signatures of chief ministers and the prime minister. Such people are more dreadful than terrorists. We have taken very strong action against him. I have spoken to the (Kolkata) Police Commissioner thrice. An SIT has been formed and investigations are on. All those who have helped him will also face strong action," she said.
Read: Ensure global acceptance for Covaxin: Mamata to PM Modi
The chief minister said that the police and the KMC cannot shrug off their responsibilities in this matter. Dismissing the BJP''s demand for a CBI investigation into the matter, Banerjee claimed without elaborating that saffron party leaders had helped several traitors in the state. On those who have been "inoculated" in the dubious camps organised by Deb, she said that an expert committee will decide whether or not they need to be given vaccines again.
The police arrested the 28-year-old man on June 23 for allegedly posing as an IAS officer and organising a COVID-19 vaccination camp in the Kasba area, where actor and Trinamool Congress MP Mimi Chakraborty had also got her jab. She had fallen ill on Saturday. "I have spoken to Mimi and enquired about her health. She has a gall bladder-related problem," Banerjee said.
Chakraborty, who was invited to attend the camp, had said she became suspicious about the vaccination process as she did not receive the customary SMS that is sent to people after they are administered a dose, and informed the police. Later, the police also arrested three associates of Deb and included the charge of an attempt to murder along with other sections of the IPC against them.