Haridwar (Uttarakhand): A police team under the Siidcul police station limits had gone to arrest a rape accused at Hazara Grant village in the Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. Earlier, the police were successful in capturing the accused Wajid. But when the police team was taking the accused, a group of women created a ruckus and pushed the policemen. Taking advantage of the commotion, the women took the accused along. Besides, the police also aborted the plan of taking the accused, along with them. They left the place empty-handed. Police registered an FIR against four named accused and 12 unknown persons in the case.
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It is learnt from the Siidcul police sources that a case of gang-rape had been registered against three youths by a woman alleging that three youths in the name of providing work on a daily basis, took her, along with them, and they took turns to outrage her modesty. Police Inspector of Siidcul police station, Pramod Uniyal, said, "A police team had gone to the village to arrest the rape accused. The police were successful in arresting the accused Wajid. But in the meantime, a group of women assembled at the spot and freed him from the custody of the police."