Lucknow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the UP Global Investors' Summit 2023 in Lucknow on Friday said the state provides conducive environment for the wealth creators. "Uttar Pradesh has now five international airports. The dedicated freight corridors are providing seamless transfer of manufactured goods to seaports of Gujarat and Mumbai."
"The state has carved a niche for itself in good governance. Besides, better law and order situation, peace prevailing in society and so many other positive developments are making the state a business destination for investors. Uninterrupted electricity supply, world class road connectivity, building up of infrastructure are some of the achievements providing opportunities for the wealth creators," said the Prime Minister, adding, "The state has achieved progress in every sector. UP is the only state in the country with five international airports in its kitty. The dedicated freight corridors have been aiding state to have direct access to major seaports of the country such as Mumbai and Gujarat."
Read: PM Modi inaugurates UP Global Investors Summit 2023
Speaking about the investor-friendly environment in Uttar Pradesh, PM Modi said, "In Uttar Pradesh, government officials are playing a pro-active role to attract investment in the state. Officials come forward to provide conducive environment to industrialists." PM Modi said that while India is the bright spot becoming the fastest growing economy in the world, then UP is fueling country's growth trajectory. UP's contribution in making India a bright spot in the world economy is immense. Prime Minister Narendra Modi further said that on development fronts, the state has made remarkable progress in the last five to six years. The UP's growth story has been holding much water and providing a conducive atmosphere for big business leaders to pump in money into the state.